The assembly started off by our senior management team performing there item/song called "Musical Madness". They sang their song about musical madness and talked to the school about our topic and what we are doing this term. My favourites teams by far were Team's 3 , 4 & 5. I found Team 3's item interesting because it was about story telling through music. Their aim this term was to tell stories using music and sounds.

Moving on to Team 4. Team 4's item was movie of their teachers in car lip-syncing to different songs. Their aim this term was to find out more about music and make there own instruments. Then the best team (Team 5). Team 5's item was a live item of the teachers watching a movie and how music affects the mood. They played a series of different music sounds and to the same movie and chose which one fits in the best. Their aim this team is how music affects the mood and how it fits into movies.
Overall I am looking forward to Term 4. I am so interested and excited to learn more about music and how it affects our lives. I enjoyed this terms immersion assembly and I can't wait to learn about "Musical Madness".
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